Clinical Hero

Clinical Trial Recruitment

We customize a recruitment campaign to help you fill your study as efficiently as possible using your IRB-approved marketing materials.   

Step One – Identifying Potential Research Subjects  

  • Our outreach campaign starts with a list of traditional recruitment efforts.   
  • Additionally, we use more dynamic methods, which can include the use of our proprietary community, aligning with community groups, enlisting ambassadors, and using social influencers. 

Step Two – Qualifying the Potential Research Subjects 

  • We create a customized web page that allows education and engagement with potential subjects. 
  • Potential subjects will be prompted to enter their contact information (with PII based on your needs).   
  • Subjects may also answer pre-qualifying questions as provided by you. 

Step Three – Connecting the Potential Research Subjects 

  • Once the subject’s information is received and confirmed there are two ways they may be connected with the site: 
  • Option One directs them to the site’s website.  In addition, we will provide the contact details for each person who responded to the site for follow-up at the site’s convenience. 
  • Option Two allows for a “Double Opt-in” by scheduling an outbound call from the site to the subject.  Each subject will be prompted by Clinical Hero’s technology to schedule a specific call date and time they wish to be contacted. Once a subject selects a date and time to be called, Clinical Hero will text and remind them of the upcoming call appointment by your site. 
  • For both options, your staff will have access to a real-time activity report, which you can use to enter your own notes and follow-up actions.  There is no complicated software for your staff to learn. Each day, new qualified potential research subjects will be ready to be contacted by your sites. 

Continued – Always updating our efforts  

  • Working with you we routinely examine which efforts are creating the most qualified potential research subjects, and where we should allocate most of our focus and budget.  We strongly believe in a collaborative approach.    

Conclusion – Our goal is to provide YOU with qualified subjects quickly and efficiently.  We believe that the steps that potential subjects take with Clinical Hero will drive a better outcome for your study. Many are excited to learn about your studies. Higher qualified potential subjects will result in a more effective randomization period at a lower cost to you.  Our fees can be based on a flat fee or on a success fee for the delivery of qualified potential subjects.  Contact us for a free consultation.